April 29 2020—pandemic parade

It’s not every day you get to have your birthday smack-dab in the middle of a #&%*ing pandemic (I’m taking this time of isolation and reflection, btw, to not just clean my living space but my mouth, too, and let’s be real. It’s not fucking easy. And my home hasn’t seen much improvement, either). But anyhow, that’s what happened to my dear, oldest niece, Amanda, whose 33rd birthday was yesterday, and I’m sure she thought that her special day would blur, undistinguished, into any other ho-hum day of late, given the current state of the world. I’m also sure she probably forgot who she’s related to, given she hasn’t seen any of us in at least few months…

We are happy to report that even smack dab in the middle of a #$@*ing pandemic, Hildebrandts are always up for a party, even if it has to be drive-by parade style. (and I’m still over here, trying to do the math—how the $#%* can Amanda be 33, when I’M still 33…)


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