Father’s Day, June 18, 2023

like you

i cuss like a trucker

like you

i sing in the shower

like you

i fight to the finish

like you

i fight for what’s right

like you

i sing along to roy orbison

like you

jerry lee and johnny cash, too

like you you

the bills in my wallet face the same way

like you

my coffee is black and eggs overeasy

like you

i start conversations with strangers in grocery stores

like you

i really want to know what they have to say

like you

i used to smoke like a chimney and drink like a fish

like you

i decided i liked life better without chimneys and fish

like you

i laugh loud at raunchy jokes

like you

i tell them, too

like you

i use a drill better than an oven

like you

i never stop trying

like you

i sometimes get knocked down

like you

i always get back up

like you

I pull for the underdog no matter the odds

like you

i’m a dilemma of contradictions

like you

tough on the outside

like you

soft and tender in the middle

like you

i sometimes love sideways

like you

no matter how crooked

like you

i always mean it

happy father’s day papa d. i miss your infinitely long phone calls and all caps shouty emails and calico beans and thanksgiving dinners and fixing all my things until I got my own home and you gave me a tool belt for christmas, then taught me how to fix my own things. xo.

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